!!THUNDERCLAPP!! is a project developed by Lucreccia Quintanilla, Bianca Hester and Jason Heller. We are Melbourne based artists who work in the field of installation, sound and musical production.

We have gravitated together through a passion for dancehall oriented music, noise, carnival and community development. Both have personal and professional linkages to practitioners of diverse cultural backgrounds (Australia, Indonesia, Colombia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Ghana), and we have begun !!THUNDERCLAPP!! as an experiment in bringing these realms together through the force of music.

Through !!THUNDERCLAPP!! we aim to:

Host community-based musical events focused around the playing of live music (drawing upon our connections with artists and musicians across Australia and Internationally), DJing and dancing with a diverse group of people who love music and dance that expands beyond a club-oriented context.

Use these events as a platform to bring diverse cultural practitioners together in order to open up connections across races, classes and generations.

Develop situations that enable experimentation with the relationship between performer and spectator to generate events that are interactive and collaborative (to develop expansive situations involving food, art, music and dance in the spirit of carnival).

Use these events to raise funds for a range of community cultural development projects.

We regard !!THUNDERCLAPP!! as a project that progresses naturally from our visual art practices – we expand beyond the production of objects and position ourselves as protagonists in the shaping of a multi-layered contemporary culture that braids multiple forms together into a pulsating mash up!